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Get Your Skin Ready For Summer

Get Your Skin Ready For Summer

By Jean Pierre
Pride Health Columnist

Summer is a great time of year for every one, however for those of us with oily skin it can be a mixed blessing. Oily skin tends to get even oilier in the summer, making it difficult to wear foundation and makeup and looking cool at the same time. Great care should be taken to maintain the skin’s natural moisture balance by using the right skincare products for your skin type on a daily basis. 

Tips for summer skin 

Cleanse: When cleansing the skin try using a pH correct cleansing bar or a gel based cleanser. This will help to combat the excessive oiliness of the skin. You will need to cleanse twice daily and splash your face with tepid water after a workout session, to remove salty sweat from your face. Cleansing can stimulate the production of oil which in turn can make skin more oily, which can lead to breakouts so don’t be over zealous with your cleansing and don’t cleanse more than twice daily if at all possible. Oily skin is prone to breakout so special attention should be taken at this time of the year to properly care for oily skin types.

Tone: Follow your cleansing with the use of an astringent. Your astringent should not contain too much alcohol in its formulation. Too much alcohol can burn and discolor the sensitive black skin, particular in the summer months. Your astringent will do the following:

  • Remove any trace of cleanser left on the skin after cleansing;
  • Help minimize oil secretion;
  • Return skin to its natural pH balance (the skin natural protection from bacteria etc.) e.g. Clear Complexion Astringent or Lime Blossom Astringent;
  • Prepare the skin for the application of a moisturizer.

Scrub: A facial scrub used on a regular basis will unclog pores, remove dirt and grime from the skin, and it prevents the formation of white and black heads that leads to breakouts. Grains in scrubs should be rounded as not to scratch the skin. Harsh scrubs use on black skin can cause microscopic lacerations which will be seen as small areas of hyper-pigmentation on the skin days, weeks or months after its use. Obsidian Deep Facial Scrub is formulated with grains that are round and will not scratch sensitive black skin.

Mask: A cleansing and balancing mask should be used at least twice weekly to keep complexion clear and facial muscles toned. A clay mask is excellent for use at this time of the year as it helps to absorb excess oil secretion from the skin and leaves the skin soft smooth and balanced.

Moisturize: Other than a cleanser, a moisturizer is one of the most important steps to a cleansing routine. Other than keeping the skin hydrated, it serves as a barrier between the skin and the environment. Once applied to the skin, it forms a veil between the skin and the environment, thus preventing a host of dirt and grime from being in direct contact with the skin.

A moisturizer after application to the skin also serves as a base to apply make-up flawlessly. It’s a myth, that if you have oily skin you should not use a moisturizer. A moisturizer for oily skin should be water based, thus adding moisture and keep skin nourish, hydrated and balanced. Oil based moisturizers should only be used for older skin which require an emollient to help maintain its moisture balance and texture.

Sun Protection: We are advised to use sunscreens during the summer months, but I am not a believer of sunscreens. Good ones are very expensive and I do feel if you are not lying out in the sun between the hours of 11 AM and 2 PM you won’t need them. My personal thought on this subject is that we have more SPF in our skin than we will ever find in a tube. Our rich melanin pigment is our built in sunscreen. However, if you are having treatment for hyper-pigmentation of the skin, you should use a SPF cream or sun block if your product does not contain one.

A SPF of 30 will protect your skin during your course of treatment – no need for higher amounts. Living in Canada, our skin can and does become acclimatized resulting in a lighter complexion. Therefore, if you are going to the islands and plan to spend a lot of time in the sun or at the beach, do bring your sunscreen. Two days on the beach lying in the sun could produce a major tan and even a burn, yes a burn.

The sun provides the skin with valuable vitamin D. Black skin prevents good absorption of this valuable vitamin and so if you opt to use a sun screen on a regular basis during the summer months you need to up the 1000 int. units daily that is generally recommended.

Vitamin D is excellent in preventing and fighting cancer and we get very little in our daily diet. So soak up the sun sensibly. Your bones, teeth, muscles, nerves, and skin will be happy. Obsidian pro 25 is excellent for use on the skin. It is extremely light weight and will not clog the pores. Look for an article in Pride News Magazine on Vitamin D coined the sunshine vitamin. 

Facials: All skin types require special attention during this time of year, but those of us with oily skin need to pay special attention to our skin to prevent breakouts. Skin treatments done for oily skin during the summer months should focus on normalizing oil production in the skin. Oily skin will benefit from glycolic peels and other facial treatment that focus on decreasing excessive oil secretion. Glycolic peels in the right percentage and at the right intervals will greatly benefit the skin and prevent breakouts.

A consultation with your aesthetician or a visit to the Dermatologist should give you the tools to care for your skin at home during this time of year. If you have  black skin it is pertinent that you consult a dermatologist or an aesthetician that is knowledgeable in the treatment of black skin. Due to the sensitivity of black skin, certain products used on Caucasian skin to prevent oiliness could burn the skin causing hyper-pigmentation and even scarring.

Jean Pierre is a Registered Nurse and an experienced Aesthetician. She has dedicated her professional life to the pursuit of excellence in specialized skin care products and spa service. She is the president and creator of the Obsidian Skin Care System and founder of the popular Jean Pierre Aesthetics and Spa. A community leader and inspirational entrepreneur, Jean Pierre, has been cited for numerous awards including the African Canadian Achievement Award for Business, The Toronto Sun’s Woman on the Move Award and the Harry Jerome Award for Excellence in Business.

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