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Sex During The Period? Healthy Or Harmful?

By Amirah
Pride Sex Columnist

My period, the most intense love-hate relationship I have ever experienced. For the majority of us with vaginas, when it comes to our period we claim a God given excuse to whine, bitch and complain about everything that gets on our PMS sensitive nerves. We say goodbye to sexy panties and lingerie, and hello to the baggies and flannel nightgowns. For a smaller number of us however, when it comes to our period, our lustful nature increases and horniness takes over. I‘m talking jump on your Joe and traumatize his johnson horniness. Now what this Jekyll and Hyde roller coaster ride does to the men in our lives makes me wonder why they stick around the other three weeks of the month.

Yet in spite of that, only seven out of the 15 people polled have had sexual intercourse during what my mother calls the “menses;” and only two of them have claimed to, “love it!”

Historically, sex during the menstrual cycle has been seen as taboo because we were taught that menstrual blood is dirty, nasty and unclean. I brought up this topic to the horror of my mother, and her response unsurprisingly was, “Eww nasty.” Like many things, society, tradition and gross misconceptions have told us what we can and should not do. Sex during Aunt Flow’s intrusion is not only normal and a part of a healthy sex life, but if done safely, carries benefits.

Men, if your woman complains of cramps, forgo the massage, and the chemical medication, and have sex—it can actually cure the dreaded cramps. Cramps are caused by prostaglandins in the uterine lining, which produce the contractions that move the menstrual blood out of the uterus. When she hits her orgasm and starts calling out for God, the excess prostaglandins get used up due to the natural contractions an orgasm brings, which can also aid in kicking Aunt Flow out of the house sooner. And who doesn’t want her gone? Sex + orgasm = less bitching, whining and complaining.

Lovers, if you are in the mood for some oral play, don’t let the red sauce deter you from pleasuring or getting pleasured the up close and personal way. There are products such as dental dams (which also come flavored), and the good old condom to aid in oral sex. (I can just imagine the faces getting screwed up right now). If you do choose to continue with oral sex during that time of the month, wait until the tail end of period, when the blood flow has all but ceased.

In any case, sex during the ‘menses’ is a personal preference, and one that should be agreed upon by both sides so there will be no surprises. And women do not try to pass off your period as vaginal bleeding due to roughness and lack of lubrication. That is deceptive and ugly behavior. Once agreed upon, sex during Aunt Flow’s stay needs to be done safely. Always wrap it up! It is blood and it will carry STDs. Don’t let anyone use that, “You don’t trust me?!” line.

Frankly, you can’t see trust when you’re itching your crotches like a fool. Also, though highly unlikely, it is possible to get pregnant; so once again, wrap it up!

Now that you know the benefits of continuing sexual intercourse during the period, make love, have sex, and get screwed. Lay down some towels, turn down the light if you’re feeling squeamish, and tell Aunt Flow she has to pack her bags and go! I’ve found that taking it to the shower is a lot less messier and a lot more fun.

Fellas, if she’s sexy to you, she’ll still be sexy; ladies, why work yourself into a frenzy, and punish yourself? Go get you some!

Have questions or problems regarding your sex life? Amirah can help you with answers. Your name and information will not be published. Amirah welcomes your feedback! Send your comments or questions to: amirah@pridenews.ca. Follow her on Twitter: @I_amAmirah.

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