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Old Time Christmas In Jamaica

Old Time Christmas In Jamaica

By Rupert Johnson

This is the time of year when I always reminisce about those unforgettable days of never-ending fun and frolic in Jamaica. It was the first week in December, and I knew that Christmas was just around the corner. There was no guessing about this memorable event because I felt the soothing “chrismus breeze” gliding across my face.

I can still recall what transpired at Christmas time in the 1940s and ‘50s. In anticipation of Christmas Day, the house underwent a thorough cleaning. The floors and furniture were immaculately polished, cobwebs removed, linen washed, new curtains hung, and everything was spick and span. The yard was also meticulously attended to. Weeds were removed, stones put in the proper places, and the entire yard was swept on a daily basis until it was free of debris and all fallen leaves.

Now the stage was set for the elaborate undertakings and celebrations that lasted from Christmas Eve to New Year’s Day.

I can never forget the beehive of activities on Christmas Eve night on city streets, and in the stores where shoppers were extremely busy buying gifts and frolicking with one another. Nevertheless, a significant number of people attended church services, which were held very early on Christmas morning. The air was filled with the melodious and enthusiastic singing of carols, as people walked through various communities.

After this flurry of joyous activities, everyone geared up for a sumptuous breakfast. This celebrated first meal of the day was made up of a conglomeration of ackee and salt fish or mackerel, boiled green bananas, roast breadfruit, fried plantains, hard dough bread, chocolate tea, coffee, and freshly squeezed orange juice.

This unbelievable consumption of foodstuff was sometimes followed by a relative period of relaxation when neighbours exchanged greetings. Nevertheless, this was a time when firecrackers exploded, dominoes slammed down forcefully, marbles clattered in the rings, and tops spun out of control. All these things occurred while the usual political and religious chatter reverberated.

As the day wore on everybody’s mind was focussed on the traditional Christmas dinner. This was a meal fit for a Royal family. I can never forget the huge bowl of rice and gungo (pigeon) peas, the succulent roast beef, ham, curried goat, and fried chicken. What made this meal delectable was the fact that the meat was very fresh. Everything was finger-licking good.

The array of drinks was no less impressive and delicious. I can fondly remember the ingredients in the sorrel that tickled my taste buds—the cloves, cinnamon, ginger and sugar. The aerated drinks (pop) were tastier than what are being served today, and the ginger beer was unparalleled. Of course the older folks had their usual fill of rum, rum punch, red South African wine etc. I would be remiss if I did not mention the customary egg-nog which was a concoction of beaten eggs, milk, spices and alcoholic spirits. It went without saying that my siblings and I had to settle for egg-nog free of alcohol.

And who can forget the daintily sliced fruit cake and plum pudding with their lavish ingredients of raisins, currants, and spices of all kinds.

Preparation for making the fruit cake and plum pudding was a ritual wherein the raisins and currants were soaked in red wine or white rum for many weeks. The delectable cake and pudding were amply served with jello or egg-custard.

It should be noted that Christmas was open house time, when friends and relatives visited one another and revelled in food and drinks.

The Christmas festivities were not complete without the usual entertainment of fairs with live bands that imitated the big band sounds of America. This was the time for dancing and general merry-making. Food stalls and makeshift rum bars littered the flat grassy area. There were always lots of activities for children. Merry-go-rounds attracted a lot of youngsters.

It is to be noted that Jamaican Christmas festivities are rooted in both British and African cultures. Thus, it is not surprising that there is a revival of jonkunnu parades which are of African origin.

As a youngster in Jamaica during the 1940s and ‘50s, I always looked forward to the jonkunnu colourful parades at Christmas time. I can vividly recall the cow-head and horse-head masked characters that were central to the parades. The melodious sounds of horns, fifes, and drums will always re-echo in my ears.

One of the unforgettable highlights of the Christmas season occurred on Boxing Day with the opening of the pantomime at the Ward Theatre in downtown Kingston. The classic performances of the late Ranny Williams (Mass Ran) and Louise Bennett (Miss Lou) were unparalleled.

Who could ask for anything more? That was Christmas celebration and entertainment in the island of Jamaica.

Merry Christmas to all Jamaicans whether living at home or abroad. Jamaica, Land we love.

Rupert Johnson can be reached at: r.b.johnson@sympatico.ca.

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