Home / Commentary / The Barbarity Of Female Genital Mutilation

The Barbarity Of Female Genital Mutilation

By Rupert Johnson
PRIDE Columnist

rupert johnson cmykI was really taken aback when I listened to a very shocking and disturbing report on PBS, with regard to the continued barbaric practice of Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) commonly referred to as “cutting,” particularly in African countries.

The Report highlighted the fact that although many young girls of African ancestry were born in the United States of America, they were routinely sent to African countries to endure this horrific and barbaric surgical procedure.

From time immemorial women have been treated with scant respect. But nothing is more demeaning and inhumane than FGM.
It may be said that one’s cultural tradition should be respected, but a red line has to be drawn.

There is no doubt that the cultural practice of Female Genital Mutilation should be regarded as a crime against humanity.
It is indeed appalling that female circumcision or genital mutilation, first practiced in 700 B.C., is still practiced today.

Believe it or not millions of women, primarily in African countries are still subjected to this form of dehumanization.

The main objective is to cut out the clitoris to prevent women from experiencing any form of sexual feeling.
It is reported that about 80% of Sudanese women are forced to undergo this despicable procedure without any form of anesthetic. In addition, unsterilized instruments such as scissors, knives and razor blades are used in the mutilation process.

One must not forget that male domination is at the core when it comes to the overall treatment of women. It is shocking to see that religion has played a prominent role in the subjugation of women. Selective parts of the Bible are often used to support this act of subjugation. For example, Saint Paul’s admonition that wives should submit themselves to their husbands has provided biblical ammunition to the domineering possessive husband.

The old Bible laws that subjected women to stoning for adultery are still being practiced today in a few countries.

It may be said that women throughout the world have proven that they are capable of performing the same physical and mental activities as men. Therefore, they deserve equal recognition, respect and treatment.

It is high time to put an end to the very humiliating and barbaric practice of Female Genital Mutilation. Stiff penalties and sanctions should be imposed on countries and individuals who continue to trample on the rights and freedoms of women.

Rupert Johnson can be reached at: r.b.johnson@sympatico.ca

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