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Doug Ford: The Liberal Conservative Triumphs

Those, vying for the federal Conservative Party’s leadership mantel, better wake up, drink a stiff cup of Joe and revise their way of electioneering. What was once old is now new, bright and successful too. Doug Ford has won a landslide victory, crushing his opponents and making the naysayers go pail with envy. How did he do it?

Well, Ford is more comfortable with the working person, than the bay street bankers, Conservatives once served. He created an umbrella organization that encompassed just about everyone in Ontario — workers voted for the Conservatives instead of their usual NDP brand.

Promises, made by the Premier, have often been realized, while those made by the opposition, were just that, promises that can be excused at a later date. Do what you say, say what you mean, that has been the Premier’s motto — get er done.

Everyone of us wants Ontario to prosper, our kids to find long-term, full-time jobs and professions, whether that be trades, crafts, teaching, building, manufacturing or servicing their neighbor’s needs. The Premier understood that, while the opposition could not.

NDP and Liberal elitists rule their parties, developing sweet candy policies of give aways that will cost the taxpayers billions. Free this and free that, means the opposition had no real substance in their political quiver(holds arrows).

The Conservatism of Western Canada is antiquated, and certainly unfamiliar to most modern day Canadians. Our province’s Liberal Conservatism respects the taxpayer, yet knows that investments into just about everything, is needed to protect our health, economy and futures.

A respect for the working class and dwindling middle class is shown by this new conservatism. Can the Premier be all things to all the people? Let’s wait and see.

Steven Kaszab
Bradford, Ontario

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