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HEALTHY REASONING: High Blood Pressure Is Serious

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HEALTHY REASONING: High Blood Pressure Is Serious

Allan G JonesBy Allan Bucka Jones
PRIDE Health Columnist

If you have high blood pressure (hypertension), you have one of the most prevalent and serious disorders in Canada.

The government of Canada does not collect health data by race or ethnicity, but it is established that black Canadians with high blood pressure, have a four times greater risk of developing hypertension related end stage kidney disease than the general population.

High blood pressure is a medical condition in which the blood pressure is chronically elevated. In Canada there are approximately 7.4 million Canadians living with high blood pressure, but it is estimated that more than 2 million Canadians, are not even aware of that they have high blood pressure. That’s because high blood pressure is a “silent disease” and usually gives few or no warning signs before it erupts with major complications such as a stroke.

Avoiding high blood pressure or detecting it early can dramatically reduce your risk of stroke, heart attack and kidney disease. Fortunately, in most cases, the condition can be easily detected and is usually controlled with a combination of diet, exercise and medication.

High blood pressure is a serious matter. The problem occurs when there is too much pressure in your blood vessels. This can damage your blood vessels and cause health problems. Anyone can develop high blood pressure, but it becomes more common as you get older. Your heart pumps blood. Blood pressure is the force of blood against your blood vessels as it circulates. This force is necessary to make the blood flow, delivering nutrients and oxygen throughout your body.

Without treatment, high blood pressure can cause death. You can have high blood pressure and not know. It is a silent killer. Persistent high blood pressure can lead to strokes, heart attacks, heart failure and arterial aneurysm, diabetes, eye disease and is the leading cause of chronic kidney failure, causing many members of our community to be on dialysis.

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There are a number of established risk factors that should increase our focus on ways to minimize the impact of high blood pressure:

FAMILY HISTORY – If your parents or close blood relatives have had high blood pressure, you are more likely to have it. You might also pass that risk factor on to your children. That is why it is important for children, as well as adults, to have regular blood pressure checks. You cannot control heredity, but you can take steps to live a healthy life and lower your other risk factors. Lifestyle choices have allowed many people with a strong family history of high blood pressure to avoid it themselves.

GETTING OLDER – As we age, we develop a higher risk for high blood pressure and cardiovascular disease. Blood vessels lose flexibility with age which can contribute to increasing pressure throughout the system.

GENDER – A higher percentage of men than women have high blood pressure until 45 years of age. After that it has equal distribution between men and women, until after 64, when a much higher percentage of women have high blood pressure than men.

LACK OF PHYSICAL ACTIVITY – An inactive lifestyle increases the chance of high blood pressure, heart disease, blood vessel disease and stroke. Inactivity also makes it easier to become overweight or obese. Aim for at least 30 minutes of activity five times each week.

POOR DIET – A diet with too much salt is bad for you…cut the salt. Also, a diet that is high in calories, fats and sugars and low in essential nutrients contributes directly to poor health as well as to obesity.

OVERWEIGHT & OBESITY – If you are overweight, it increases your chances of developing high blood pressure. Losing as little as 10 to 20 pounds can help lower your blood pressure and your heart disease risk.

TOO MUCH ALCOHOL – Heavy and regular use of alcohol can increase blood pressure dramatically. It can also cause heart failure, lead to stroke and produce irregular heartbeats.

STRESS – Stressful situations can temporarily increase your blood pressure. Avoid or minimize stress.

If you have been diagnosed with high blood pressure, and placed on medications, ensure that the prescribed medicine is taken as recommended by your doctor. Do not discontinue your medication, unless the doctor advises you to do so. If you are using natural remedies, let your doctor know, so they can be aware of any negative or positive interactions that may develop.

High blood pressure is silent, it is dangerous and certainly serious, because it can kill you…Control your blood pressure.

Allan Bucka Jones is a Health Promoter and Broadcaster. You can contact Allan Bucka Jones at allan@jonesandjones.ca.

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