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Delicious, Juicy Burgers

Delicious, Juicy Burgers

By Chef Selwyn Richards
Culinary Expert

1 pound lean ground beef
2 teaspoons peppercorns
1 tablespoon vegetable oil
1 tablespoon green onions, finely chopped
1 tablespoon red wine vinegar
1/4 cup yogurt or sour cream
1 tablespoon parsley, minced.

1. Heat up your BBQ.
2. Shape your ground beef into 4 hamburger patties and set aside.
3. Place the peppercorns on a large piece of foil or waxed paper. With a heavy object (bottom of pan) crush and crack peppercorns coarsely. Spread the cracked peppercorns evenly on the paper and place the four patties on top of them. Press down so that the peppercorns stick to the meat and turn around. Repeat until all peppercorns are used up. Put the peppercorn patties onto the BBQ.
4. In the meantime, heat vegetable oil in a pan and add the green onions and wine vinegar. Cook over medium heat until green onions are just done. Remove the pan from the heat and stir in the yogurt/sour cream and parsley.
5. Spoon the sauce over the burger.

Selwyn RichardsSelwyn Richards is an award-winning master chef.
He is also the President and Executive Chef at The Art of Catering Inc. and is the author of “The Art of Cooking: Soul of The Caribbean”.
Chef Selwyn can be reached at: selwyn@theartofcatering.com or by phone — (905) 619-1059.

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